Transitioning from HK P2000 to the Glock 19X for a U.S. Border Patrol Agent: A Glock 19x Review with US Border Patrol
Welcome to our in-depth discussion with a seasoned US Border Patrol Agent. Today, we delve into a significant change in the agency's arsenal: the transition from the Heckler & Koch P2000 to the Glock 19X as the standard issue sidearm for agents. The P2000, known for its reliability and precision, has been a staple in the hands of our border agents for years. Now, with the introduction of the Glock 19X, a blend of design and functionality specifically tailored for law enforcement, the agency embarks on a new chapter in operational efficiency and field adaptability.
Our guest (choosing to remain anonymous per security agreements ), a veteran in border security and firearms training, offers an insider's perspective on this pivotal shift. We'll explore the reasoning behind the change, the advantages the Glock 19X brings to the field, and how agents are adapting to their new duty weapon. This interview aims to shed light on the practical aspects of law enforcement armament and how such changes impact the effectiveness and safety of our border agents. Join us as we uncover the stories and experiences behind this significant transition in the United States Border Patrol's armory.
Background and Experience with HK P2000
Q: Can you describe your experience with the HK P2000 while serving as a Border Patrol Agent?
A: The HK P2000 was my first service issued pistol. I entered the Border Patrol academy in spring of 2010 and carried the HK P2000 both in uniform and plain clothes duties until the fall of 2020. We are required to qualify four times a year with our issued firearms and would shoot well over 500 rounds of .40cal a year.
Q: What features of the HK P2000 did you find most beneficial in your line of duty?
A: The size of the the HK P2000 worked well in both uniformed and plain clothes duties. It was able to be concealed well under light weight shirts but balanced well with the recoil of 180gr rounds.
Initial Impressions of Glock 19X
Q: When you first transitioned to the Glock 19X, what were your initial thoughts on its design and handling compared to the HK P2000?
A: The first pistol I ever shot was a Glock 21 so transitioning back to the Glock platform was smooth and familiar. The Gen 5 Glocks come with different sizes back straps so fine-tuning the grip to the user allows for a better fit and improved accuracy. I also appreciate the 15rd mags over the 12rd in the HK.
Q:How did you perceive the difference in weight and size between the two firearms?
A: The dimensions on the two are so close, it was hardly noticeable.
Training and Adaptation
Q: What kind of training was provided for the transition to the Glock 19X?
A: We were provided with a short PowerPoint to familiarize ourselves with the proper way to break down the Glocks. As with the HK, we still qualify four times a year.
Q: How long did it take you to adapt to the Glock 19X after using the HK P2000?
A: With a new pistol, came a new holster. That was probably the most noticeable challenge. Muscle memory with a holster that I had been carrying for nearly 10 years had given me some issues the first few times I shot the Glock. After a few outings, the new holster became second nature.
Tale of the Tape: Key Differences between HK P2000 and the Glock 19X
The Heckler & Koch P2000 and the Glock 19X are both highly regarded firearms used in law enforcement and military operations, but they have some key differences in design, functionality, and user experience. Here's an overview of the main distinctions:
Each of these firearms has its unique strengths, and the choice between them often comes down to the specific needs and preferences of the user, particularly in terms of ergonomics, trigger system, and overall feel.
Performance Comparison
Q: In terms of accuracy and reliability, how do you compare the Glock 19X with the HK P2000?
A: I find the Glock to be more accurate. Mostly due to the recoil in the 9mm vs .40cal. The sights on the Glock stand out better than on the HK and allow for quicker target accusation. The Glocks have fewer moving parts and don't mind shooting even when dirty. We would have a few jammed HK's every qual but there seems to be fewer malfunctions with the Glocks. They seem to function better in the changing environments we work in within our agency.

Justin Hunold
Wilderness/Outdoors Expert
Justin Hunold is a seasoned outdoor writer and content specialist with CYA Supply. Justin's expertise lies in crafting engaging and informative content that resonates with many audiences, and provides a wealth of knowledge and advice to assist readers of all skill levels.