7 Best Practices for Concealed Carry(CCW)

Concealed carry weapons (CCW) have become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people choosing to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms. However, carrying a concealed weapon is a serious responsibility that requires careful consideration and adherence to certain best practices. In this blog post, we will discuss the 7 best practices for CCW.

Get Proper Training

Before you even consider carrying a concealed weapon, it is imperative that you receive proper training on gun safety, handling, and marksmanship. This will not only help ensure your own safety and the safety of those around you, but also help you become a more effective shooter.

For some folks this might be getting initial instructions on the proper, and safe use of a firearm. For other folks it might be to increase practical range time, and for folks that already have those things down and in rotation it might be practical or tactical shooting courses. 

Whatever level you’re at it is always a good idea to level up. If you’re just getting into guns, maybe seek out a friend who knows more, if you go to the range a lot maybe take it to the next level and do some practical competition drills, if you’re at that point there are great courses to help you get to the point of using your gun and body in conjunction, highlighting things you may have not even thought of. Learning is a progression, start the next step in the process 

Choose the Right Equipment

Choosing the right equipment for concealed carry is crucial. This includes selecting a firearm that is appropriate for your skill level and body size, as well as selecting the right holster and other accessories. It is important to invest in quality equipment that is comfortable to wear and easy to use.

Obviously, we think that we make the best products for the money in IWB holsters, Mag Pouches, EDC Belts and other accessories, but it’s not just the carry gear you need to address. Your clothing, your footwear, and maybe even your bag or purse all come into play. 

Are you going to carry a flashlight? Gun Light? Knife? Multitool? Where will this stuff go? If it’s all too much will you still carry your gun? How many mags? Does the belt you have on currently support that load out? Does the gun you carry make sense for the clothes you normally wear? This is all stuff to take into consideration. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

Carrying a concealed weapon is a serious responsibility that requires constant practice and training. Regular practice at the range will help you become more proficient with your firearm, and help you develop muscle memory for quick and accurate shooting in high-stress situations.

You should be carrying with one in the chamber. You need to practice drawing a gun that is live and hot. Do this by practicing with an unloaded, cleared gun. Draw, aim, press…Click. Reset. Then draw, aim don’t press. Remember the goal in the real world is to not have to press the trigger, but when you have to you’re ready and capable. 

You need to be completely comfortable with a loaded firearm on your person, and you can do a lot of that work with an unloaded gun first and then loaded after. 

You should be practicing clearing malfunctions, shooting with an optic if you choose to, using co witnessed sights, reloading, all while moving. A gun is a tool and the tool only works as well as the person holding it can make it work. 

Be Mindful of Your Surroundings

When carrying a concealed weapon, it is important to be constantly aware of your surroundings. This includes being mindful of potential threats, as well as being aware of innocent bystanders who may be in the vicinity. Always be prepared to take appropriate action to protect yourself and others.

This is a double edged sword. Be mindful but not paranoid. Also, be mindful of where your gun is, where it’s pointing and whether people are aware of it being there. These are all safety concerns, both in the realm of self defense but also in the realm of safe gun handling practices. You’re the sheepdog, it’s the sheepdog’s job to protect the sheep, and to make sure they are comfortable around the sheep dog. They should be nervous around the wolf, but not the sheep dog. 

Know the Law

Carrying a concealed weapon is subject to laws and regulations that vary from state to state. It is important to know the laws in your area regarding concealed carry, including where it is permitted and prohibited, and what actions are considered justified in self-defense situations

There is no excuse to not be aware of the laws and regulations concerning        firearms in the areas you inhabit. We have very comprehensive articles posted here, but I would always consult local law enforcement to verify. 

Practice Good Judgement

When carrying a concealed weapon, it is important to exercise good judgement in all situations. This includes avoiding confrontation whenever possible, de-escalating situations that have the potential to become violent, and only using your firearm as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.

The Goal is always “I don’t want to use my gun” 

Stay Calm and Confident

In high-stress situations, it is important to stay calm and confident. This includes maintaining situational awareness, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves, and being prepared to act decisively if necessary. With proper training and practice, you can develop the skills and confidence necessary to effectively handle any situation that may arise.

Final Shot

In conclusion, carrying a concealed weapon is a serious responsibility that requires careful consideration and adherence to certain best practices. By following these 7 best practices for CCW, you can help ensure your own safety and the safety of those around you, while exercising your Second Amendment right to bear arms.


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